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    Nsamizi has had the privilege to partner with Malteser International with funding from the Germany Foreign Office, A Program in implementing a WASH project in Nakivale Settlement focused at increasing access to safe and potable clean water, construction of sanitary facilities and hygiene promotion among newly settled refugees of Rubondo zone. The first partnership was from November 2020 to February 2021, and has been renewed to run again for the next three years till end 2023. The three months project was impactful and registered such outcomes as increased adoptability of latrine usage, increased regularity of hand washing, increased safe water use and improved basic sanitation and hygiene among beneficiaries.

    Address: Nsamizi Training Institute for Social Development, Kkonge Road, Mayembe Upper, Mpigi Town Council, Mpigi District-Masaka Road

    P.O.Box  149 Uganda.

    Mobile: +256772053981

    E-mail; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,


    Project Location: Kabingo, Isingiro Town council, Isingiro District

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    Conducted community dialogues: A total of 312 (221males, 91females) community members participated in dialogue meetings which were conducted at community level in the villages of Karitima A, Kyeibare B, Rwoma A2 & A3 and Nyakagando.  The dialogues were aimed at increasing community participation and involvement in the management and ownership of the water system. The methodology used was face to face discussion while observing social distancing. During these meetings, community members participated in selecting Water Use Committee Leaders (WUC) who will support in the management of the water points on behalf of the community. In addition, the meetings were among others attended by partners like Isingiro District Water Office, OPM, UNHCR, OXFAM, EWB-USA aimed at explaining the details of the project design, roles of all the stakeholders, project start and finish dates and the current progress. These sensitization sessions were aimed at strengthening communities in the sustainability of existing water facilities which was followed by training of water user committees.

    Water sestization activity at Holy spirit Church lane water tapping point - New Congo, Nakivale Refugee Camp  

    Training of Water User Committees (WUC): 20 WUCs of 100 members (80males, 20females) were trained in Rubondo zone.  The WUC are community structures that spearhead the management and maintenance of water supply systems at village level so that the targeted population are well served. The 20 WUCs were therefore empowered to ensure proper water management in their respective villages. Therefore, the training enhanced the capacities of 100 WUC members in the protection and management of water points.

    Water monitoring: Nsamizi conducted a partners’ training (TOT) on ground water monitoring using a piezometer in a session that was held at Kakoma water plant. Partners which included UNHCR, OPM, OXFAM, EWB-USA and community water systems operators from Nsamizi participated in the training.

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    Hand hygiene campaigns: The focus of this campaign was on installation of a hand washing facility (tippy tap) at household level. During this activity, a total of 500 POCs (adults 201F ,251F, children 29F,19M) were reached, who acquired knowledge on the importance of hand washing at critical times. In addition, community members were trained on how to install a tippy tap and usage. The campaign was accompanied with distribution of 150 tippy tap kits which included a five litre jerrican, a string/rope and a couple of nails per identified household. As a result, 150 households use tippy taps to wash hands during critical times across the four (4) villages of Ruhoko A (36), Mugenyi A (54), Nyakagando A (47) and Kyeibare C (13). The beneficiary selection was based mainly on households with children 5 years and below and households with PSNs.

    Awarding model homes; Model homes are homes that have all the basic sanitation & hygiene components. The selection of these homes was based on availability of facilities like latrines, bath shelters, drying rack, hand washing facilities, drying lines, clean yards, rubbish pit, animals housing and clean house. 103 model homes were identified and awarded in the villages of Ruhoko A, MugenyiA, Mirambira B, Nyakagando A and Kyeibale C. This was done to inspire community members as well as encourage these homes to continue with such practices. 

    COVID-19 prevention campaigns: 673 (adults: 313F, 281M; children: 48females, 31males) POCs were reached with messages on COVID-19 prevention especially regular hand washing, social distancing at water points and in public places, wearing face masks. We also shared knowledge on signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and referral pathways for suspected cases with signs and symptoms using the available grassroot structure like VHTs to the nearest health facility or to the settlement COVID-19 task force members in the settlement.  

    Hygiene and sanitation monitoring at household level: new sanitation facilities identification was carried out in the 4 villages of Mugenyi A, Ruhoko A, Nyakagando A and Kyeibare C. Identified were; 74 new superstructure latrines, 43 demolished latrines, 99 drying racks, 71 bath shelters, 411 hand washing facilities, 107 kitchen, and 114 rubbish pits. The trend showed a significant improvement in the construction of sanitation facilities at household level.  This achievement was attributed to continued community sensitizations and enhanced capacities of community structures specifically VHTs and distribution of excavation tools in these villages.

    Nsamizi supervise the construction of Dome shaped slabs in Misiera-Nakivale by the community based  contraction group (construction funded by Malteser International)

    Distributing latrine excavation tools to hosehold (HH) leaders of Mugenyi -Rubondo

    capacity building session with VHT' on capturing good hygiene practices at house hold level In Juru

    Distribution of latrine excavation tools: 60 kits each including a pick axle, spade, metallic bucket and a rope were distributed in the villages of Ruhoko A, Mugenyi A, B, Kyeibare B, C, and Mirambira A. These benefited 632 households of 3718 individuals. This has increased latrine construction in these villages leading to improved sanitation and hygiene conditions. These kits were distributed under clusters locally known as “mayumba kumi” (meaning 10 household’s cluster) to ensure that the distributed dome shaped slabs are put to use. The management of these tools has remained in the hands of group leaders who have been trained and will be regularly followed up by Nsamizi to ensure effectiveutilization.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Slab distribution: 600 slabs were distributed to beneficiaries in the villages of Mugenyi A (54), Ruhoko A (99), Mirambira B (107) Nyakagando A (140), Mirambira A (66), Mugenyi B (56), and Kyeibale C (81) households respectively to ease construction of latrines with a cleanable slab. This intervention followed the distribution of excavation kits. Therefore, this intervention enabled a total of 600HHs of approximately 2400 individuals to fully access acceptable fecal disposal facilities. Post distribution follow-up visits were done and found that the latrine completion rate was at 81.2 percent as by project end. Continued follow efforts are ongoing with support of community structures such as VHTs and RWCs to ensure total completion of this activity. 

    Conducted Community Led to Total sanitation campaign (CLTS): This was held in the newly settled villages of Ruhoko A, Nyakagando A, Mugenyi A, Kyeibale C which were identified with open defecation. CLTS is community driven strategy that creates disgust of the practice through experiments on how such fecal matter end into the mouth. This was initiated with a sensitization of 120 community leaders (72 males,48 females) to strengthening community structures to bring to an end the practice. The activity was concluded with celebration in Mugenyi A as an open defecation free village where the open defecation was estimated at 2 percent.

    Construction of PSN latrines: Supported 60 PSNs with construction of household latrine which have benefited a total of 176 individuals (adults 81 and children 95) in the respective villages of Mugenyi A (13), Ruhoko A (20), Mirambira (05), Nyakagando A (14) and Kyeibare C (08). All the 60 beneficiaries (41F, 19M) of this intervention who are mainly persons with special needs (PSNs) and those that are extremely vulnerable (EVIs) have been sensitized and mobilized on their roles and responsibilities including maintenance and utilization.

    Refresher training of VHTs: A total of 80 (26M, 54F) VHTs received a refresher training to enhance their capacities and knowledge on hygiene promotion. As a result, the weekly VHT reports improved and consequently the general performance.  

    Distribution of IEC materials: Behavioral change campaigns using information education communication materials was conducted with distribution and installation of IEC materials with messages of hand washing practices, personal hygiene, open defecation free villages, safe water chain for disease and Covid-19 prevention. This increased the levels of awareness among community members resulting into improved sanitation and hygiene conditions.

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